OpenShot Kickstarter Update (Day 5)
, .Great news everyone! Today was the best day so far for the OpenShot Kickstarter campaign! We had 62 new backers join us and we received almost $2,000 in new pledges!
We were also featured on the front page of this evening, and the front page of! This is a huge deal, and helped us spread the word about our Kickstarter campaign. So, a big thanks to Slashdot for being so cool and supporting our open-source project!
Slashdot is really the first major website to feature a story on our Kickstarter campaign, but I hope its not the last. I have submitted tips and sent emails to about 20 different tech websites, and distributed a press release to over 4,500+ newsrooms. I am no expert at marketing, but I'm trying my best! =)
For the full update, and a sneak peak at a new feature in the OpenShot Library, read our newest update on Kickstarter.